When I was in my early teens, I used some saved money to buy myself a model railroad. The scale was TT (1:120), a scale that was popular in East Germany and still is in Eastern Europe, but has niche status pretty much elsewhere.
I had a decent amount of track material, some rolling stock and even a few signals and such. However, I lacked the space and the money to do anything meaningful with it. So it all ended up in boxes and eventually got sold.
Fast-forward a few decades, when my wife decided to get me started on the hobby again for my round birthday. We had been talking about building a model railway as a long-term project (which it realistically always is). She splurged a bit, and after some consideration, I ended up with a Hornby DCC starter train set, an additional Loco and extra track material. We set aside the spare room, which isn’t huge, but big enough to house a beginner-sized layout. At first, I played around with the stuff on two old office desks, but the time soon came where that wouldn’t do.
So here we are, and in this blog I will, over time, write about all kinds of experiences and thoughts I’ve had while tinkering with model railways. If you’d like to come along for the ride, be my guest.